Men of God

By Aaron Holman, June 20, 2021

What does it mean to be a man? There are many images of what an ideal man looks like, and not all are worth following. What does it mean to be a man of God?

Genesis 25:27-28

God doesn’t place special value on

1 Samuel 19:2

2 Samuel 14:25

Scripture doesn’t aim at telling me how to be

It spends a lot of time talking about how to be

1 Corinthians 16:13

The church didn’t need

The church needed

1 Kings 2:1-3

David tells Solomon to man up by

1 Corinthians 16:14

Paul tells the church to man up by

Ephesians 4:13

The image that I am measured against is

Ephesians 5:25

Philippians 3:17

Who is in me?

Who am I in?

Verses for further study

  • 1 Corinthians 4:15-17

Questions for discussion

  • How did you learn what a man should be like?
  • There are many images of what it looks like to be a man. How can we determine which ones are worth following?
  • How is being measured by the character of Christ different than being measured against other people?
  • Who are you influencing in your life?
  • Who is influencing you?

Parent Cues

  • Keep practicing this month's memory verse from Psalm 27:13. See if anyone is able to say it yet. 
  • Do you ever feel like you are the underdog in your life? Share with one another why you feel that way? Or if you don't share why.
  • Is it hard to believe that God can use you no matter what? 
  • Pray together that God will help you face tough situations this week with confidence, knowing that He can work through even YOU!