Message 1: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

By Ricky Jenkins, September 21, 2024

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

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  1. The title of Ricky’s message referenced a famous Tina Turner song. If someone were to describe you with a song title, what song would it be?
  1. Sometimes it’s the little things that test our patience. What’s a quirky pet peeve you have that others might not even notice, but drives you up the wall?
  1. What point or idea have you remembered most since hearing this weekend’s message?


  1. Re-read 1 Corinthians 13. Imagine you were asked by a non-believer, “What is love?” How would you answer the question in your own words?
  1. There are 16 descriptions or attributes of love listed in verses 4-8. Divide them among your group and take a few minutes for each person to come up with a definition for the descriptions, (i.e., define patient). Then share your definitions as a group.
  1. Read John 15:9-13. How do you think the descriptions of love in 1 Corinthians 13 line up with what Jesus is commanding?


  1. If you look at yourself over the last 5 years, would you say you have seen yourself become more loving or less loving according to 1 Corinthians 13? Looking at your current trajectory, 5 years from now, do you become more loving or less loving?
  1. Have you experienced someone who embodies one of the descriptions of love exceptionally well (i.e., someone who was patient)? What impact did that have on you?


  1. What are ways we become more loving…

…over time?

…in the moment when faced with a choice of how to respond?

  1. Is there something specific you could use prayer for to help you live out this weekend’s message?