Is Jesus Really The Only Way?

Foundations of Faith 101 - Message 5

By Pastor Chris Brown, February 01, 2025

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Is Jesus Really The Only Way?

The claims of Jesus:

John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7-11, 11:25, 14:1-7, 15:1

Jesus claimed that He was the:

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Those outrageous claims need proof:

Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 & 21, Acts 9:1-6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-9

  1. Four eyewitness from the and

2. Non-biblical sources state the claims

3. Multiple appearances of a living Jesus to

4. Critics claim that the

5. The witnesses and ’ failure

6. The disciples’ dramatic and

7. An explosive new culture of and

8. Change in life

9. Change in ’ life

What do we do with these claims?

Matthew 26:36-56, Luke 22:39-46, Mark 14:32-42, Hebrews 12:1-3

Jesus believed He had to die and rise again as the .

This makes Christianity a story about a God, or a God who made the as the only option to .

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These questions are designed to help groups discuss the weekend teaching while building relationships with each other and applying God’s Word to our lives.

February 1,2025 | Matthew 25: 36-56


  1. Chiefs or Eagles, or do you even care?

  1. If you could interview an eyewitness of Jesus’ life, what would you ask them and why?

  1. What was the thought, idea, fact, or statement that most captured your attention in this week’s message? Did it push you closer to or further from Jesus?


Chris mentioned the seven I AM statements in John’s gospel (John 6:35, 6:47-51, 8:12, 9:4-5, 10:7-10, 10:11-18,11:21-27, 14:1-7 & 15:1-8).

  1. Let’s examine just one of those statements in John 14:1-7.
    List the claims of Jesus as He attempted to calm the troubled hearts of His disciples and, by extension, us, contained in that passage. What do each of those claims convey to His followers?

2. Which of the claims do you find most calming or troublesome, and why?


This weekend, Chris shared nine of the many proofs of the resurrection including biblical and non-biblical sources.

  1. Which of the proofs were or are the most compelling, and why?

  1. How much proof did you need to buy into the Jesus story? If you are still on the fence, what keeps you from believing the Jesus story?


  1. Looking back at John 14:1-7, the most audacious claim of Jesus is that He is the only way to the Father. If we truly believe this bold claim of Jesus, what impact should this have on us and those in our lives?

  1. If Jesus is truly the only way, what should our responsibility be in sharing this truth?

  1. What are some ways we can be intentional in sharing this truth?