When the Gospel takes a stand, do not be afraid to stand with it. THE EFFECTIVE PATTERN REPEATED Strong word Immediate impact Intense opposition Supernatural change TWO EXAMPLES (Acts 14:1-21) Iconium Start at Synagogue Strong reaction Toughing it out Time to go Lystra Start with the word in action Satan's subtle twist Preaching from creation Talk about opposition FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION YOU NEED (Acts 14:21-23) Strengthening Endurance Tribulation Establish reproduction MISSION REPORT (Acts 14:24-28) Return God gets glory God's active word Debrief What about you? Get to know people that are not saved. See the world as a place to invade not avoid. Pray more to keep people out of Hell than to keep them out of Heaven. Forget “Y'all come to church” and replace it with "I am coming to you."