If God is not evident in your earthly relationships, is He evident at all? MARKS OF WORLDLINESS (James 4:1-5) Passions - where do they lie? What we need in God, we seek elsewhere. Explosion Question motivation Speculate Exaggerate Gossip Friend of the World God is your enemy. God desires to live with you. MARKS OF FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD (James 4:6-10) God gives more grace (extend grace to others). Humble yourself - be broken. Submit to God (attitude). Resist the devil (real warfare). Cleanse your hands (stop habitual sin). Purify your heart (right desires). Turn from your ways (be on guard). EDIFICATION TAKES EFFORT (James 4:11-12) Speak to edify, not tear down. Listen to love, not to judge. What about you? Be satisfied with God. The steps of vv. 6-10 are for YOU. Commit to God and all your relationships to edify in love.