Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9:6

By Stewart McCarter, November 29, 2020

(Isaiah 9:6)

The words we use mean something.

  1. A NAME

    1. What is a name?
    2. Names have meanings

    1. A miracle
    2. Marvelous thing, Wonder
    3. From a word “to seperate”

  1. To advise
  2. To resolve
    1. A miracles working, specially appointed adviser and resolver of the conflict between God and man
    2. The Christ would be the one that stood between God and man and satisfied God's righteous requirement and make man a new creation.
    3. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) (Romans 8:1)

What about you?

  1. As we enter the season of celebrating the birth of Christ, how will you guard the world's view of stealing your worship?
  2. Only Christ can resolve our deepest needs. What need do you need to truly trust Him with?
  3. As you enter this season, commit yourself to His Holy Name.