(Isaiah 9:6) Peace is a priviledged gift. PRINCE OF PEACE Prince Peace- Shalom - to be safe (in mind, body or estate) to make completed, to be friendly, to make amends (to make an end, finish) OLD TESTAMENT APPEARANCES Melchizadek King of Right King of Peace Refers to Jesus (Psalm 110:4) (Hebrews 7:3) (Hebrews 7:6-10) NEW TESTAMENT APPEARANCES On Earth peace (Luke 2:14) Eirene Peace, prosperity, one, peace, quietness, rest + set as one again Jesus did not come to bring peace Jesus came to bring a sword of division (Matthew 10:34) (Luke 12:51) What is the answer? (John 14:27) (John 16:33) (Luke 2:14) On earth among those with whom he is pleased! Is Jesus pleased with you? Jesus will bring peace into your life If not: What about you? Do you have the shalom God wants you to have? Are you made complete in Christ? Is Christ your priest or are you depending on your own “sacrifices” to save you? Is Jesus bringing peace into your life and ministry?