The Prime Mover

Genesis 1:1-2

By Stewart McCarter, February 21, 2021

The Bible shows us where to begin, God is.

  1. “IN THE BEGINING GOD” (Genesis 1:1)

    1. The pre-existence of God
    2. The power of God
    3. The primacy of God
    4. The all encompassing God
  2. “THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT” (Genesis 1:2)

    1. The earth was a waste, a nothingness
    2. The earth was empty, a void
  3. SPIRIT OF GOD (Genesis 1:2)

  1. God is present in verse one
  2. The Holy Spirit is present in verse two
  3. Jesus is seen in verse three (Colossians 1)

What about you?

  1. Believe God is. (Hebrews 11:6)
  2. Trust God to make something of your ruin.
  3. Believe God in His Trheeness, and trust Him in His Oneness.