(Genesis 4) We can only come to God on His terms, not our own. ONE VERSE INTRODUCTION Yada (1,17,25) Only place in early history Refers back to 3:7 Promise of God kept (Genesis 3:15-16) Adams faith not displaced (Genesis 3:20) Eve, last time used in the Old Testament CAIN - AN INDUSTRIOUS SON Brought forth (play on qaniti to qayin) A man from God's promise Successful farmer came to God on his own terms Not wholly dedicated to God (an offering) God rejected his offering So bent on being the best Killed his brother Cursed by God Built a city Lesson: Our success apart from God leads only to destruction ABEL - A DEDICATED SON And again Abel (hebel- breath) Breath Came to God on God's terms Offering accepted by God Lesson: Sometimes God's justice does not look like our sence of justice SETH - A RIGHTEOUS SON Substituted Bore Enoch Men called on God Lesson: Our relationship to God will effect generations to come What about you? Find your success in the will of God. Trust God when His justice does not line up with what you think. Live a life with God that will effect generations to come.