A Man's Responsibility

Genesis 12:10-13:1

By Stewart McCarter, June 20, 2021

(Genesis 12:10-20) (Genesis 13:1)

What a man does affects today and generations to come.

  1. A PLANNED LIE (Genesis 12:10-13)

    1. Famine happens
    2. Abram and Sarai go to Egypt
    3. Abram is afraid
    4. Abram instructs Sarai
  2. A POWERFUL CONSEQUENCE (Genesis 12:14-19)

    1. Pharoah cursed
    2. Abraham enriched
    3. Isaac, Jacob
  3. A PRUDENT RETREAT (Genesis 12:20) (Genesis 13:1)

  1. Abraham has to leave
  2. They go back to the Negeb

What about you?

  1. Do not fear, trust God.
  2. Lead your family to do rightly.
  3. Unrepented, unconfessed sin can affect generations.