Hard Choices

Genesis 13

By Stewart McCarter, June 27, 2021

God knows the best choice for you.

  1. PROBLEMS DEMAND CHOICE (Genesis 13:1-7)

    1. Choices that must be met
      1. Define the problem
      2. Consider the options
      3. Make a choice
    2. Abram and company return
    3. Abram returns to an altar
    4. Lot is too much
  2. ABRAM'S CHOICE (Genesis 13:8-9)

    1. Abram pleads for peace
    2. Abram trusts God
  3. LOT'S CHOICE (Genesis 13:10-13)

  1. Lot makes the wrong choice (All the glitters is not gold)
  2. Lot sees the beauty of the Jordan Valley
  3. Lot takes the more abundant choice
  4. Abram settles (not sojourns) in the land of Canaan
  5. Lot settled among the cities
  1. GOD'S CHOICE (Genesis 13:14-18)
    1. God calls Abram to look
    2. God gives Abram a gift
    3. Abram responds with worship

What about you?

  1. Trust God to give you what He promised.
  2. Choosing for yourself is dangerous because we do not know the future.
  3. “God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.” Jim Elliot