(Genesis 1:26-28) (Genesis 2:18, 20-25) “We know an artist by his creation — God created the family” PARTS OF A FAMILY Marriage (Exodus 21:10) Picture of God’s nature Picture of Christ and the Church Sacrificial Love Children (DV) (Genesis 1:28) The Fatherhood of God Picture of God’s tenderness Christ was born into a family ACTIONS OF A FAMILY (Psalm 68:5-6) God acts as Father and Husband for the orphan and the widow God sets the lonely in a family To bring into the kingdom in the church To act as a family with other children of God in the church Singleness What is the churches response to children and families Abortion Adoption How are you serving children in the church ATTACK ON THE FAMILY Started in the garden Satan divided and conquered Obedience to God (to glorify Him) Headship Submission Spheres of our roles in the family Divine design What about you? Evaluate the spiritual temperature of your family. What are you doing to preserve your family, your church family? Take action today, before it is too late. Additional resources: https://media.focusonthefamily.com/fotf/pdf/magazine/on-the-go-devotions.pdf https://www.focusonthefamily.ca/content/52-free-devotions-for-your-family https://www.focusonthefamily.ca/content/free-downloads-for-parents-and-kids