Face to Face

Genesis 33

By Stewart McCarter, March 06, 2022

Coming face to face with God prepares us to come face to face with others.

  1. THE MEN

    1. Israel (Jacob)
    2. Esau
  2. THE MEETING (vs. 1)

    1. Israel prepares
    2. Esau surprises
    3. Brothers reconcile
    4. Brothers depart

  1. Esau is not murderous (falls on Israel's neck)
  2. Israel is humble
    1. Bowed seven times
    2. The face of God
  3. God has changed both of them
    1. Esau invites
    2. Israel worshiped
    1. Past wrongs need to be forgiven
    2. Present humility is necessary
    3. A cost must be paid
    4. God has to do a work in both parties

What about you?

  1. Prepare for a meeting with others by meeting first with God.
  2. Be humble and willing to restore loss.
  3. Grab grace and reconcile with others.