Life Lessons

Genesis 45:16-28

By Stewart McCarter, July 10, 2022

God has life lessons that we can use everyday.

  1. THE LESSON OF ASSOCIATION (Genesis 45:16-20)

    1. Pharaoh was pleased because of Joseph
    2. Pharaoh is generous because of Joseph
    3. We are associated with Jesus (Yes, he claims us even when we do not claim Him)
    4. Are you a witness for Jesus so that people will listen to His love in you?
  2. THE LESSON OF AWARENESS (Genesis 45:21-24)

    1. Joseph follows Pharaohs orders and equips his brothers for the journey
    2. Joseph extra blesses his baby brother, and sent gifts to his Father.
    3. Joseph gives his brothers an odd request.
  3. THE LESSON OF ACCEPTANCE (Genesis 45:25-28)

  1. Jacob almost has a heart attack
  2. The evidence convinced him (not so sure about the boys!)
  3. Jacob accepts the evidence and determines to go to Joseph

What about you?

  1. The blessing of God only comes through the son
  2. Realize you are on your way to Heaven with your brothers, don’t waste time arguing.
  3. Believe in Jesus, the evidence is overwhelming!