Jesus did not come to establish a religion, but to win a war. MAN WAS THE FIRST CASUALTY IN THE WAR (Genesis 3) Satan declared war on God (Isaiah 14:12-17) Satan deceived Eve, Adam sinned willfully Satan’s doom is promised (Genesis 3:14-15) SATAN'S REBELLION TARGETED GOD'S CREATION (Genesis 6:1-4) Satan polluted mankind (Genesis 6:1-4) God starts over with Noah (Genesis 6:5-8) JESUS HAD TO BECOME MAN TO PROVIDE FORGIVENESS AND VICTORY Adam brought sin to us, Jesus brings forgiveness and eternal life to us (Romans 5:12-14) If Jesus had not been man, He could not have died for man. (John1:1,9-13, 14) Jesus saves us to be remade into His likeness and engage in the war. What about you? Have you repented because you are a sinner and turned to Jesus Christ the Savior? Are you engaged in spiritual warfare?