Prepare to March

2 Peter 3:1-10

By Pastor Stewart McCarter, September 17, 2023

(2 Peter 3:1-10)

What is going to happen today? Right, you don’t know! By the end of this sermon I want you to know: This earth will not last forever and we don’t know when tragedy may hit or the Lord will come- it is imperative that we are ready and have told everyone from near to far to be ready! God:

  1. True enlightenment comes from God (2 Peter 3:1-2)

    1. Pure in KJV. Two words; Suns rays, and distinguish
    2. Remember the scripture from the prophets, the apostles, and the Lord Jesus Christ
  2. The timing comes from God (2 Peter 3:3-7)

    1. Scoffers
      1. Some say it will never happen
      2. Some say they know when it will happen
      3. Scoffers come with:
        1. Scoffing
        2. Sinful desires
        3. Silly logic (1) Nothing has changed from the beginning
      4. It will happen, Two answers to their scoffing thoughts
        1. Creation (1) Heavens existed (2) Earth was formed (3) By the word of God (Genesis 1,2; Colossians 1:16-17)
        2. Flood (1) World was flooded and perished (2) The same word that created all things with destroy all things
    2. God’s timing is different (8-10)
      1. God is not slow, He is on time
        1. His time is different than our time
        2. The Lord is not slow, He is patient
        3. The Day will come like a thief for those not looking for it
        4. Everything will melt (Nuclear Explosion)
      2. Be alert
      3. So we are asked not to forget that “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years.” People see time against time; but God sees time against eternity. In fact time only seems long because of man’s finite perspective.A man was taking it easy, lying on the grass and looking up at the clouds. He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God. “God,” he said, "HOW LONG is a million years?"God answered, “In My frame of reference, it’s about a minute.”The man asked, “God how much Is a million dollars?”God answered, "To Me; it's a penny.”The man then asked, "God, can I have a penny?” God responded, “Sure! Just give Me a minute.”
  3. Marching orders come from God

  1. Why is God patient? (verse 9) That all may come to repentance
  2. The rest of the chapter, which we will look at in more depth next week, tells us to consider what kind of people we will be in our short, short time here on this disposable planet and in the disposable universe.


  1. Be confident and excited that Jesus is coming!
  2. Trust God when He is not on your time table
  3. Talk about Jesus! He is patient so that others can come into His Kingdom!