Peace on Earth

Luke 2:14

By Pastor Stewart McCarter, December 10, 2023

Peace is often sought, but never found without Christ.

Matthew 10:32-36 Isaiah 32:16-20 Ephesians 2:13-18 John 16:32-33 Philippians 4:4-7

  1. PRINCE OF PEACE Isaiah 9:6

    1. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Melchizedek)
  2. PROMISE OF PEACE Luke 2:14

    1. The Angels announce that with Jesus birth there will be peace on Earth. What is the problem?
      1. War
      2. Conflicts
      3. Jesus himself Matthew 10:32-39
    2. What is peace?
      1. OT Shalom
      2. NT eirene (to join, one (be one with)
  3. Reign of Peace

  1. Jesus bring us peace with God. Romans 5:1; Isaiah 53:4-6
  2. Jesus brings us the peace of God. Philippians 4:7
  3. Jesus brings us peace in conflict John 16:32-33
  4. Jesu brings us to the kingdom Ephesians 2:13-18
  1. Peace will reign on Earth when Christ returns
    1. Revelation 21:1-27

What about you?

  1. Have the peace of God.
  2. Have peace with others.
  3. Be ambassadors of peace in your world.