2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11) Forgiveness strengthens the entire body. Paul calls God to be His witness (1:22-23) Paul reconfirms his integrity with God as his witness Paul re-establishes his gentleness in his authority Paul reveals his love Paul shows the love of a father. (2:1-4) Paul was motivated by his desire to not cause more pain Paul sent a letter so they would have time to absorb what needed to be said Paul was thlipsis and his heart crushed with many tears Spoke the truth in love To show his abundant love for them Paul Desires them to forgive the repentant sinner. (2:5-11) Paul asserts he was not the one that caused them pain, but rather the one who would not forgive the repentant man. (2:5) The punishment was over, he repented and now it is time to forgive (2:6-7) To not forgive causes more harm. It is time to show love Paul wrote for this very reason He wrote to test their obedience to Christ He affirms his forgiveness for them in the presence of Christ To not forgive plays into Satans designs. Un-forgiveness is Satan’s trap. What about you? How do I forgive? You may realize there is someone that you should forgive as an individual. My forgiveness is not dependent on someone else’s actions. Because forgiveness is to give your right to revenge to God and not picking it up again. You may have to protect yourself emotionally or physically. Restoration can only begin when the offender repents.