(2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6) God has given us a covenant where His glory does not fade, but grows throughout eternity The Glory of the Old Covenant is Temporary (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) The Old Covenant is written on the tablets of the 10 Commandments (7) It is a ministry of death and condemnation The Old Covenant came with glory, (7, 9-10) The Old covenant was surpassed in glory by the New Covenant.(10-11) Religion always fades The Glory of the New Covenant is unending (2 Corinthians 3:12-18) We have the greatest hope (12) Moses had to wear a veil, which becomes a metaphor (13) The minds of the Jews (as a whole) still have the veil so they cannot see the glory diminishing. (The metaphor becomes the veil blinds the mind of the jews to the real glory) (14-15) Now we have freedom to view the face of Jesus Christ because the veil is removed.(16-18) The Glory of The New Covenant is hidden by the enemy (2 Corinthians 4:1-6) This is a ministry of emending glory, and is ours by the mercy of God (1-2) Paul is acutely aware of the mercy of God Paul refuses to use underhanded ways, to employ cunning, or to twist scripture. Satan blinds those who cannot see, therefore we are at war with him (3-5) Paul is proclaiming Christ, (6) Not self Your servants for Christ’ sake God has shone His light in our hearts Conclusion: Religion always fades Behold the glory of Jesus Christ in the pages of the scriptures Pray for the unbeliever in your life, that the Holy Spirit will remove the veil so they can see Christ.