The Power of Perscpective

2 Corinthians 4:13-18

By Pastor Stewart McCarter, March 03, 2024

(2 Corinthians 4:13-18)

The temporary blinds us to the eternal

  1. The reality of belief (2 Corinthians 4:13-15)

    1. Paul speaks what he believes
      1. Belief precedes speaking
      2. Speaking is the result of belief
      3. Psalm 116:10
    2. Motive is the resurrection of Jesus
      1. The resurrection of Jesus is God’s proof He will raise us
      2. We enter into God’s presence with Jesus and with the Church
    3. Increased grace creates increased thanksgiving
      1. It is for our sake
      2. When we extend God’s grace to more people, thanksgiving increases
      3. There is more to give glory to God
  2. The reality of hope. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

    1. We do not lose heart
      1. The outer body wastes away (discouragement)
      2. the inner man is renewed every day (encouragement)
    2. Proper perspective of Pain
      1. Pain is preparation for permanence
      2. Creates an eternal weight of glory
    3. The reality of the possible
      1. “You don’t buy a telescope to look at it, but to look through it”
      2. Do not look to the things seen
      3. Look to the things not seen
      4. Reason?:
        1. The seen are transient
        2. The unseen are eternal


  1. What has blinded you to focus on the eternal?
  2. What has caused you to lose heart?
  3. What will it take to fix your eyes on Jesus?