(2 Corinthians 5:1-10) Our destination determines our path The Problems of this Temporary Body Know is something we are sure of It is a tent (1) Dwelling for our souls Dwelling for the Holy Spirit We groan in this body (2,4) Pain, Causes us to look forward to heaven This tent is uncomfortable We are discontent (desire the permanent) (3-4) We get prepared though our circumstances We are away from the Lord (6) While in this body, we are not yet in Jesus’ presence We will immediately be in the presence of Jesus The Promise of the glorious Body God makes our new body (1) What do you look forward to in that new body? All pain, suffering, hunger, trouble are disease are gone God is preparing us for the new body (5) We have courage (6) God holds the power of life and death When we die here we are in His presence We do not die, we leave We can live by sight (7) Our desire is to be in our eternal body (8) The aim of life is to please God (9) Please Him in the simple things here We will all be judged There is a judgement to come (10) (Bema seat) Not for salvation, for how much fruit Bad means worthless or useless Important words Must All Appear Conclusion: Are you emphasizing the temporary or the eternal? Commit to one act that pleases God this week. Will this act, if consistently done, lead to a life that pleases God?