The First Confession

Luke 23:39-43; 24:1-12

By Pastor Stewart McCarter, March 28, 2024

The Cross calls for your confession.

  1. THE CROWD JEERS (Luke 23:39)

    1. Jesus had endured mocking. (Psalm 22:6-8, 12-13)
    2. This mocking is Blasphemy
    3. Even the thief beside Jesus mocks Him.
    4. The Synoptics say both thieves jeered, Luke alone points out the change in the one.
  2. THE CROSS CLEARS (Luke 23:40)

    1. The one thief wakes up
    2. Rebuked the other thief for cursing Christ (Do you not fear God?)
    3. The realization of who Christ is
      1. We have the same condemnation deserving death
      2. Jesus does not deserve this death, His death is different
  3. THE CONFESSION SAVES (Luke 23:41-43)

  1. Confession of personal sin (we indeed justly . . . we are receiving the due reward of our deeds.)
  2. Jesus did nothing wrong (Vicarious death)
  3. Requests grace (remember me when you come in your kingdom)
  4. Today you will be with me in paradise
    1. Place of the dead
    2. Jesus is going to free the righteous to go to Heaven,
    3. It is instantaneous (today)
    4. With Jesus, wherever he is, is Paradise.
  1. THE CONQUEROR RISES (Luke 24:1-12)
    1. Starts with “But”. The most glorious “but” in the entire Bible
    2. The first evangelist to preach the gospel, the women, went to the tomb. (1-2)
    3. Found the stone moved, no Jesus, and a couple of Angels.
    4. The most serious rhetorical question in history, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”
    5. The report is not believed, but Peter has to check it out


  1. Have you awakened to the fact of your sin and His saving?
  2. Do you remember the moment you called on Christ?
  3. If you have confessed Christ, other people should know it.