The Power of Discernment

2 Corinthians 10:7-18

By Pastor Stewart McCarter, June 30, 2024

2 Corinthians 10:7-18

True leaders always build up, they do not tear down.

    1. Look what is right in front of you (2 Corinthians 10:7-11) Here Paul is telling the Corinthian people to just see what is in front of them. By doing so they should figure out what the truth is. He goes on to help them look at the situation with criteria for determine those wit true authority from God and then how to see a false prophet.
    2. Pauls’ credentials
      1. Belong to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
      2. Authority given by God (8) “The Lord gave me”
      3. The results build up the body (build up, not tear down) (8) (1) 1 Corinthians 2:7 - God gives us His glory. We are servants and are given authority to serve, love and build up the body (2) Authority is not given to tell people what to do (1:24) teach you, beside you, encourage you, strengthen you, to be set free
      4. The true leader will rebuke when necessary (9-11)
      5. God approved the false teacher”s were comparing themselves to one another
    3. Added things to look for
      1. Fundamentals of Scriptural faith
      2. Majoring on the Minors
      3. Out of context
      4. Spring boarding
    1. Not self commending
    2. Enters the door God opens
    3. Always is reaching out to the unreached
    4. Boasts in the LORD


  1. Obey what God has told you to do. You have a job to do!
  2. Compare yourself to Christ, not to others.
  3. Who are you helping to grow in faith?