When we see deliverance, we see mercy. JONAH PRAYS (Jonah 2:1-2) Finally God works sovereignly through the sailors Summation Hell equals grave, word Sheol Jonah believes he is as good as dead JONAH'S DESPERRATE SITUATION (Jonah 2:3-6a) Completely covered with no escape (hopeless) 2; 5-6a) Define hell (The word for grave is Sheol) As low as he could physically descend Close to Hell for real Hope in hopelessness “Driven away” same use as divorce Look again or toward Jerusalem JONAH ACKNOWLEDGES GOD(Jonah 2:6b-9) God brought Jonah up!(Pivot in the prayer) God hears from anywhere Jonah remembered (to concentrate focal attention on) The example of the sailors becomes Jonah's pattern Jonah commits to worship Jonah commits to obedience Jonah is returned No sympathy for the poor fish Fish hears from God (God spoke to the fish!) Fish vomits Jonah out All the way to dry ground It is god who is the most important character. He is the one who affects salvation, and he is the one who enables deliverance. Neither Jonah nor the fish had control. IT was God and God alone. Conclusion: Make prayer a priority this week. Make an intentional time. Cry our to God in your most hopeless situation. Commit yourself to worship God.