Jonah 4:5-8 By the end of this sermon I will give you time to evaluate how much your comfort means to you in your life. JONAH FORGOT GOD IS MERCIFUL (JONAH 4:1-4) GOD DOESN'T WANT US TO SIT IN CONDEMNATION Jonah changes position. (East of the city) Jonah does not change his attitude. (Jonah is still angry with God and is watching perhaps to see if God will destroy them anyway) Jonah tries to protect himself. Built a booth (shelter made of vines or plants) Jonah does not consider God’s question.from verse 4 (Jonah has ignored Gods’ question in verse 4) GOD DOESN'T WANT US TO SIT IN COMFORT (JONAH 4:6-8) God provides shade - God appointed a plant to grow over him. Much speculation but the important thing is it was God appointed. Jonah’s structure was inadequate. Built of vines, did not provide adequate cover The plant, though unknown, was for Jonah’s comfort. (Not sure what kind of vine. God appointed a plant to finish the shelter)(Word here for discomfort can be translated his evil) Jonah is exceedingly glad (to have comfort) The real purpose was to teach Jonah a lesson. Jonah was happy for his comfort But he is unhappy Nineveh is spared The worm kills it.Verse 8) (Another appointment) God appoints a worm. Conclusion: What have you valued more than the lost around you?