Downsizing God


By Doug Kyle, September 20, 2020

No statement starting, “This is how I like to think of God” should ever be trusted. — J. I. Packer


  1. We God Exodus 20:4
2. We turn the Maker into Exodus 20:5a
3. We pass it on to Exodus 20:5b-6
4. We make God in Genesis 1:27


  1. We our understanding of God Exodus 20:5a
2. We keep our values as Exodus 20:5b-6
3. We allow God to make us into 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

HomeGroup Questions Fall Session 2020 Downsizing God | UNSUBSCRIBE Exodus 20:4-6| September 20, 2020

  1. How are you artistic? Do you paint, whittle, sculpt, build, craft, write, sketch, other? If it’s easy, bring a sample of your work to show the group on the screen.
  1. This week we looked at the second of the Ten Commandments. Read Exodus 20:4-6 and review the message outline. What was helpful to you from the message?
  1. How is the second commandment similar to the first? How is it distinct?
  1. How does our culture downsize God? Since most of us don’t carve images of God, how might a believer downsize (limit, set in stone) God today?
  1. Jealousy is a part of the vocabulary of love. Why do you suppose God chooses to highlight His jealousy in vs. 5?
  1. What does it mean that people tend to create God in their likeness? Give some examples.
  1. J.I. Packer was a very influential theologian and Bible scholar for many decades. He wrote the best-selling book, Knowing God. He just died in July, 2020. Reflect on his quote: “No statement starting, ‘This is how I like to think of God’ should ever be trusted.” Agree? Disagree? Tweak?
  1. Look at the second half of vs. 5 and verse 6 (about God’s punishment and love to multiple generations). What does this say about the importance of keeping this commandment, and all of them?

Take time to share prayer requests and pray together.