Getting Over Uncertainty

Get Over It

By Doug Kyle, May 09, 2021

As parents – as people, in general – we want a perfect route. As we travel through life, we long for a clear path with a predictable destination. But it’s usually more complicated than that.


2 Cor 2:12-13

• The road signs we look for:

• But the route is almost always


2 Cor 2:14-3:4

• When we rely on God, He gives us:

When it comes to God’s leading in your life, here’s what you can, and can’t, count on. As much as you would like it to be different, you cannot count on it being perfectly clear. But what you can be sure of is this: If your intentions are godly, and you’re looking for open doors, and you’re cultivating spiritual peace, and you’re looking for the support of faithful friends, you can count on this: You will look back and see God’s faithful, even triumphant, guidance and blessing on your path. He will use you to influence others. And give you a legacy that lasts forever. – Excerpt from the Sermon

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. Mother’s Day is filled with emotion. It can be difficult, wonderful, or both. How was yours?
  1. This week’s message addresses getting over uncertainty — especially as we seek to follow God's lead in making future plans. Read 2 Corinthians 2:12 - 3:4 and review the outline. What did you learn? What would you like to discuss more?
  1. Review the four items on the list, The Road Signs We Look For, from the outline. According to 2 Cor. 2:12-13, which of the four road signs did Paul have?
  1. As a follow up to question 3, which of the four road signs do you rely on the most? Which do you tend to overlook?
  1. When making plans, we would like to have all four road signs pointing the same way. Like Paul, though, it doesn’t always happen. What do you do then? Should it paralyze you? What does faith look like when God's leading is unclear?
  1. Paul uses the analogy of a Roman Victory Parade in verses 14-16. What does it mean to be an aroma to God? To those around us?
  1. How can the same gospel be both “an aroma that brings death and an aroma that brings life” (vs. 16)?
  1. Where can you look back and, through the rearview mirror, see God's clear guidance in your life? Was it clear to you that He was leading at the time?
  1. Paul says the Corinthian believers were his letter of recommendation (vss. 3:1-3). For whom are you a spiritual letter of recommendation? Who is your spiritual letter of recommendation?
  1. Take some time to pray for one another. And don't forget to report any answers to prayer so far.