
By Andrew Lane, February 11, 2024


1 Peter 3:8-9


1 Peter 3:10-12


1 Peter 3:13-16


1 Peter 3:17-18

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. For the Super Bowl, were you more into the game or more into the snacks and the commercials? Or did you do something completely different?
  1. When was a time you were with a group of people where there was tension, but everyone pretended things were just fine? What was that like?
  1. When was a time you experienced genuine reconciliation with someone?
  1. Read 1 Peter 3:8-18 and review the outline. What stood out for you and why?
  1. How can an awareness of God's blessings in your life inspire you to be a blessing to others, even when they don't deserve it?
  1. How do peacemakers handle conflicts and disagreements? See 1 Peter 3:15-16
  1. In what ways does God's peace help and direct Christians to be peacemakers?
  1. Of the 4 things peacemakers do, listed in the outline, which do you need to focus on the most this week?
  1. How can your group pray for you?