Why We Relapse back into Religion even when We Know Better

Losing My Religion

By Doug Kyle, April 21, 2024

“Defensive? What do you mean, ‘defensive’!?! I’m not defensive! You’re defensive!!!”

Paul is quite defensive in this part of the Bible. And he has every reason to be. He was being attacked by outsiders in a church he loved and had planted. And he challenges them not to relapse into religion after they had been saved by grace.

Why is that so easy for us to do? Even when we know better?

Because we idolize our

Gal 2:1-10

Because we care too much about

Gal 2:11-16

Because it’s so easy to default back to

Gal 2:17-21

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. Doug said the average person gets 41 walking miles per gallon of coffee. How do you think you compare? Better or worse?
  1. How religious was your upbringing?
  1. Read Galatians 2:1-21 and review the outline. What do you see more clearly in this chapter now that you’ve listened to the message?
  1. If you had to summarize vss. 2:1-10 in one point, what would you say?
  1. How surprised are you that Paul and Peter had a public dispute (vss 11-16)? What was the lesson for the Galatians? What is the lesson for us?
  1. When does locking into old rituals and traditions keep us from experiencing life in Christ? When is it helpful? What is the key?
  1. What is a modern-day example of caring too much about what others think at the expense of the gospel?
  1. If Peter could fall back into religion, I guess we are all vulnerable. How do we guard against it?
  1. How can your group pray for you?