The Subtle Shift to Performance-Based Religion

Losing My Religion

By Doug Kyle, April 28, 2024


  1. We get mesmerized by our own

Gal 3:1a

  1. We no longer marvel at the

Gal 3:1b

  1. We forget our own experience coming to

Gal 3:2

  1. We limit grace to

Gal 3:3-5

  1. We live with an underlying

Gal 3:10-12


Exchange A Performance-Based Religion For A P -Based Faith

Gal 3:6-9

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. As a teenager, was there an in-crowd, club, or circle of people that you wanted to be in so much that you changed your behavior to fit in? What was it?
  1. Read Galatians 3:1-22 and review the outline. What stands out to you?
  1. Why is it so easy to start the Christian life relying on God (in the Spirit), and slowly begin to operate in our own power (in the flesh)?
  1. Paul uses the term “bewitched” (vs. 1) for what had happened to the Galatians. How is the false teaching that we have to earn God's approval by our own actions like a spell or a trick that is played on us?
  1. Why is Abraham such a good example for Paul to use? What is it about his story that shows that God accepts us by faith rather than observing the Old Testament Law?
  1. According to Paul, why is trying to keep every law in the Old Testament actually a curse?
  1. Does that mean nothing in the Old Testament is binding for the believer any more? (Just take a stab at this question. We will cover it more in the weeks to come).
  1. Since we cannot be made right with God with our own efforts, how does Jesus solve this for us (vss. 11-14)?
  1. When you reflect on your own experience coming to faith in Jesus, what lessons from that experience should continue to shape your relationship with God right now?
  1. How can your group pray for you?