3 STEPS FOR A RELATIONAL RESET Recognize you relationships Hebrews 10:23-24 It gives you It gives you TAKEAWAY: Identify your Purpose to be a spiritual Hebrews 10:24 Be an Be an Be an TAKEAWAY: Ask God where you can be an , , and to others Employ the secret ingredient: Hebrews 10:24 TAKEAWAY: Regularly check your Ask God to always let your motivation be HomeGroup Questions: On a scale of 1 (Loner) — 10 (People Person), how relational are you by nature? Reread Hebrews 10:23-24 and review the outline. This passage highlights the importance of holding onto hope. How have relationships in your life brought you hope during challenging times? What are some ways your HomeGroup can be a source of hope and strength for you? Doug mentioned being an example, endorser, and encourager. Which of these comes most naturally to you, and which one do you find more challenging? Why? What are some other “inventive” ways believers can motivate one another to be engaged in serving God's Kingdom? How can you be more intentional about spurring the members of your HomeGroup on to love and good deeds? God’s love is the power that sustains relationships. What does it look like to check your heart and ensure your motivation in relationships comes from love? When relationships become difficult, how can God’s love help you respond with grace instead of frustration or indifference? Think about the key relationships in your life. Who has God used to encourage you spiritually, and how can you invest in those relationships more intentionally this year? Share any prayer request and take time to pray and cling to God's hope together.