What Do You Want God to Do for You?

JESUS WANTS TO KNOW: Questions Jesus Still Asks Today

By Doug Kyle, February 02, 2025

It was arguably Jesus’ favorite question. At least the one He utilized the most. And Jesus still asks it of us today, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Depending on where we are, He could respond two different ways.


Mark 10:35-45

Sometimes we our understanding is limited

Sometimes our values are

Sometimes our request would make us follow Him

-> And Jesus says,


Mark 10:46-52

Other times we our understanding is limited

Other times our values are

Other times our request would make us follow Him

-> And Jesus says,

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. Why do you think Jesus utilized questions so often in His teaching and interactions?
  1. Read Mark 10:35-52 and review the outline. In this section, Jesus asked the same question twice, “What do you want Me to do for you?” What does that question reveal about God and His relationship with people?
  1. James and John ask Jesus to do “whatever we ask” (v. 35). In what ways can we sometimes approach prayer with this mindset?
  1. Jesus challenges their request by asking if they can drink His cup and be baptized with His baptism (v. 38). What was He really asking them, and why didn’t they fully understand?
  1. Jesus contrasts worldly greatness with spiritual greatness (vv. 42-45). How does His definition of leadership and success differ from the world’s?
  1. Bartimaeus also asks Jesus for something — his sight (v. 51). How is his request different from James and John’s?
  1. Can you think of a time when you asked God for something but later realized you were asking with the wrong motives or limited understanding? What did you learn?
  1. After being healed, Bartimaeus follows Jesus (v. 52). Why do you think Mark includes this detail? How does this contrast with James and John’s earlier request?
  1. What’s one area of your life where Jesus might be saying, “Let’s grow” and one area where He might be saying, “Let’s go”?
  1. Share any prayer request and take time to pray together.