What Do YOU Have?

JESUS WANTS TO KNOW: Questions Jesus Still Asks Today

By Wesley McCord, February 09, 2025
  1. Jesus never asks us to than what we have .

Mark 6:38

  1. God has designed you with , crafting you in His image and you for a specific purpose.
  1. Jesus of what we already have.

Mark 6:41

  1. God has each of us different gifts, and He desires to use them to .
  1. Jesus for us when the little that we have.

Mark 6:41-44

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. In Mark 6, we see that the apostles are tired and drained. What are some of the things in your life that may cause you to feel drained or feel like you're not good enough to be used by God?
  1. Think about the gifts and talents you have. How can you use them to serve others or to impact God’s Kingdom?
  1. What does it look like for you to trust God with your limited resources—whether time or energy—and allow Him to use them for His glory this week?
  1. What are some ways that you have seen God provide for you in your life?
  1. When you’re feeling drained or tired this week, like the apostles, what are some ways you can remind yourself that God is asking you to give what you have right now?
  1. Have you ever seen God multiply your impact through something you have done? How so?
  1. What can you do this week to make a meaningful impact on the Kingdom?
  1. Share any prayer requests and take time to pray and reflect on what God has provided for you.