Neighbor is a Verb

JESUS WANTS TO KNOW: Questions Jesus Still Asks Today

By Doug Kyle, March 09, 2025

“Loving our neighbor as ourselves” sounds good, but what does it really mean?

OUR QUESTION: neighbor?

TRANSLATION: How to Heaven?

Luke 10:25-29

JESUS’ QUESTION: neighbor?

TRANSLATION: Who to Heaven?

Luke 10:30-37

HomeGroup Questions:

  1. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Love your neighbor as yourself”? Does that seem easy or hard? Why?
  1. Read Luke 10:25-37 and review the outline. What stands out to you and why?
  1. The Expert in the Law asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Why do you think he asked this? What does this reveal about his mindset?
  1. What are some ways we might try to limit our responsibility to love others, like the expert in the law did?
  1. Why do you think Jesus answers the man’s question with a question of His own in vs. 26? Why not give him a direct answer right away?
  1. In the parable, the priest and the Levite saw the wounded man but chose to pass by (Luke 10:31-32). What are some possible reasons they didn’t stop to help?
  1. The Samaritan responded differently (Luke 10:33-35). What stands out to you about his actions, and what do they reveal about what it means to “be a neighbor”?
  1. What are some practical ways we can shift from “Who is my neighbor?” to “How can I be a neighbor?” in our workplaces, communities, and even our families? Once you figure it out, you can assume that Jesus would say the last 4 words of vs. 37 to you.
  1. Share any prayer request and take time to pray together.