Kingdom Living Part 6

"The God of Hope"

By Lead Servant Pastor Phreddie Minnifield, September 20, 2020

Romans 15:13 (NKJV)

Powered by the Holy Spirit

  1. A Hope that will cause you to lead boldly in every area of your life

    a. The world needs hope more than ever right now

  2. God is looking to partner with someone’s hope, why not yours?

    a. Believing and trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit brings hope

  3. Your hope level is an indicator of what you’re believing Romans 4:18 (TPT)

  4. When it looks hopeless that’s the time to believe the Promise

    a. That’s the time to expect, that’s the time to take God at His word

  5. God is no respecter of persons however He does require Faith Romans 1:16-17

    a. God is asking us to trust Him to validate His word in our lives

Numbers 13:27-33 (NKJV)

God’s Promises are Forever

  1. Don’t let the facts blur your vision of God’s Promises

  2. Faith believes in promises higher than the facts

  3. God is a Promise Keeper

    a. God became a man and lived within the restrictions of humanity so you could walk in authority

    b. The measure of authority that we walk in is the extent of our submission to Him

Matthew 28:16-20 (NKJV) The Great Commission requires my submission

a. It’s in that measure, that I walk in authority

b. You and I can take our flesh, yield to the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit and operate in the greater works like it says in John 14:12

Your Assignment includes Greater Works

  1. Jesus restricted Himself to what could be done by any other human that was fully yielded to the Holy Spirit

    a. He was tempted in all manner and yet without sin

    b. He was filled with the Holy Spirit

  2. Why did Jesus say we would do greater works?

    a. We’re washed in the same blood that was tempted and yet without sin

    b. We’re able to be filled with the same Holy Spirit

  3. My wiliness is what separates me from what is and what’s possible

  4. You have resurrection power living in our veins

    a. Yield to His presence, learn of His ways

    b. There’s a person of Glory on the inside you

Application: How do I become an agent of Hope

  1. Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand

    a. Real repentance affects my perception of reality

  2. Desire a fresh encounter with God

    a. Jesus brought the Kingdom because He Only responded to the voice of the Father John 5:19 (NKJV) , John 12:49-50 (NKJV)

  3. Turn my affection toward God

    a. Realize I don’t walk alone, and that I’m being empowered by one who is limitless

    b. When you host the presence of God you’ll minister Hope to people without opening your mouth

  4. Become God-inside minded

    a. Live aware of God’s presence, not in reaction to the enemy’s attacks

    b. The bible says with God all things are possible, God wants to share that with you, so you can share it with others

    c. Nothing is impossible to those that believe, the infinite realm is available to believers

  5. Be light in the darkness

    a. Your acts of obedience brings light and drives away darkness

    b. Be salt in a world that is desperate for flavor

  6. Trust God like He trust you,

    a. Draw near to Him

    b. he Holy Spirit will fill whatever space you give Him

    c. He entrusted to you His Holy Spirit, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead

  7. Be led, not driven

    a. Let Him open your eyes to see what you’ve never seen

    b. in the reality of His dominion