Living Full to Die Empty

Walking in the Spirit?

May 28, 2023

Living Full and dying empty requires surrendering

  1. Surrendering sounds scary to someone who thinks they’re in control
  2. Decide to trust God, make the exchange.
  1. His strength for your weakness
  1. The only way to live full is to walk according to Gods plan
  1. He’ll help you finish the work you’re called to do;
  2. You are Joint-Heir with Jesus Christ.
  3. Fully invest in His purpose for you
  1. Demonstrate power and authority
  1. You’ve been raised up with Christ to live a powerful life
  1. Operate from your Victory Seat
  1. The Holy Spirit wants to fully open your eyes of understanding to comprehend your true identity

Living Full to die empty requires dying to the flesh

Galatians 5:13-18(NKJV)

  1. We can die to the flesh when we walk in the spirit
  2. The Spirit is truth John 5:6(NASB
  3. The Word of God is Truth John 17:17(NASB)
  1. When you walk according to the spirit of God’s Word you are walking in the Spirit.
  2. Those who walk contrary to God’s Word are not in the Spirit. Why walk in the Spirit?
  1. The deliverance from sin and its influence does not come from ourselves.
  1. This can only be achieved through the power of the Holy Spirit
  2. When we let the Holy Spirit control us, He breaks the power of the flesh

Romans 7:18(NKJV) 2. His Power is made available for us 3. Walking in the Spirit will produce denying of the flesh What hinders our ability to Live Full?

  1. Not Receiving
  1. Not being tuned in to God’s frequency?
  2. It’s so easy to get too busy
  1. Magnifying the cares of this world
  1. Seeing only the waves in the storm
  2. If Jesus isn’t bothered by the storm neither should you be
  1. Promoting Fear over Faith
  1. When fear comes, it’s an opportunity for Faith to Dominate
  2. Dominating is much more than just winning


  1. Be led by the Holy Spirit Luke 4:1(NKJV)
  2. Magnify God over every situation in your Life
  3. See yourself the way God sees you
  4. Walk in Love1 John 4:17(KJV)
  5. Spend Time in the Word
  6. Live By Faith- believe the unbelievable and expect the impossible
  7. Be a Covenant Giver
  8. Be Thankful, (Full of Thanks) Philippians 4:6(NKJV)
  9. Give a Sacrifice of Praise