Don’t leave your hopes and dreams to chance There’s a promise land in front of you You’re not waiting on God; God is waiting on you. If something supernatural is going to happen, it will be because you do something with what Jesus did Jesus meant it, when He said it is finished! John 10:10 (NKJV) Bondage is the opposite of abundance, lack is a part of the steal, kill and destroy plan from the enemy Abundance for the purpose of blessing others and advancing the Kingdom Walk into your promise land The promise land is not heaven, the promise land is walking in the promises of God and living a victorious, fulfilled life, a life of freedom and victory Jesus died so those who follow Him could live according to His kingdom Take Action John 14:12 (NASB ’95) Jesus impacted the world with abundance and is asking us to follow in His footsteps, by doing what He did. He’s the journeyman, we are the apprentices. when we continue (John 8:31-32) and follow His instructions we become journeymen, we become fishers of men (Matthew 4:19) We were never called to be spectators waiting to be entertained We are called to be doers of the Word not just hearers James 1:21-25 (NASB ’95) There’s a difference between a Christian and a Disciple Christians hear, disciples do A Supernatural Life comes from following a Supernatural Christ Romans 8:14(NASB) Following the presence of the spirit of God is central to all Supernatural living It’s not just us following principals or routines, it’s following Him His focus and His plan should impact my direction You become who you hang out with John 15:7(AMPC) Supernatural Life is available, the Holy Spirit will occupy whatever we occupy He has offered us a co laboring position with Him He wants us to host Him People around us should benefit from the goodness of God inside us Application Don’t be a casual Christian, be a Disciple Pursue the upward call - Philippians 3:13-14 (NKJV) Walk into your promise land - Acts 2:38 (NKJV) Romans 12:2 (TPT) Desire more Be Thankful - Philippians 4:4-7 (NKJV)