BIG IDEA: Am I Ready? 3 sections of Revelation: The things which you have seen (Chapter 1) The things which are happening now (Chapters 2-3) The things which will take place (Chapters 4-22) Revelation - uncovering, revealing, the unveiling. The book of Revelation is all about Jesus. Revelation 1:12-16 Robe with gold sash -> High Priest Head and hair white like wool -> Purity, holiness Eyes like flames of fire -> Omniscience, sees everything Feet bright as bronze -> Authority, judgement His voice thundered like the mighty ocean waves -> Command attention Revelation 1:17-20 First and last -> God, Omnipresent Living one who died -> Resurrected, Eternal Hold the keys of death and the grave -> Conqueror, judge, creator, omnipotent The book of Revelation was written to bring comfort and encouragement. It was not written to confuse us. It was not written to scare us. Message of encouragement in Revelation Because Jesus lives, I live. Because Jesus wins, I win.