Part 1: Jesus 2.0

Ready or Not, Here I Come

By Rick Morris, February 02, 2025

BIG IDEA: Am I Ready?

3 sections of Revelation:

  • The things which you have seen (Chapter 1)
  • The things which are happening now (Chapters 2-3)
  • The things which will take place (Chapters 4-22)

Revelation - uncovering, revealing, the unveiling.

  1. The book of Revelation is all about Jesus.

Revelation 1:12-16

  • Robe with gold sash -> High Priest

  • Head and hair white like wool -> Purity, holiness

  • Eyes like flames of fire -> Omniscience, sees everything

  • Feet bright as bronze -> Authority, judgement

  • His voice thundered like the mighty ocean waves -> Command attention

Revelation 1:17-20

First and last -> God, Omnipresent

Living one who died -> Resurrected, Eternal

Hold the keys of death and the grave -> Conqueror, judge, creator, omnipotent

  1. The book of Revelation was written to bring comfort and encouragement.
  • It was not written to confuse us.
  • It was not written to scare us.

Message of encouragement in Revelation Because Jesus lives, I live. Because Jesus wins, I win.