Watching to Understand

By Gary Loudermilk, February 13, 2025

Luke 22:1-23

Have you ever wished you could have seen firsthand the events that are recorded in the Bible? Today’s sermon is an attempt at doing that very thing. We will all try to grasp what one person might have seen at the Passover Meal when Jesus instituted what we call the Lord’s Supper with His disciples. We will follow and consider what happened in his life in the days following.

A worship service centered upon the Lord’s Supper is a time to reflect upon who Jesus is and what He did in our behalf. For believers in Christ, it is a time to givethanks and to renew our commitment to Him. For those still deciding whether to be a believer or not, it is a time to observe and understand the great love that God has for you and has revealed to you through Jesus.

Personal Reflection How many ways has God demonstrated His love for me?

How am I demonstrating God’s love to others?

What relationships do I need to be mending and what sins in my life need to be confessed and removed from my life that I may partake of this Lord’s Supper in a pure relationship with the Lord?