Joy Begins with a Relationship to Jesus Christ

Philippians 1:1-2

By Rodney Holloman , August 16, 2020

Joy Begins with a Relationship to Jesus Christ

Philippians 1:1-2

It is the deep and abiding confidence that, regardless of one’s circumstances in life, all is well between the believer and the Lord. (Copied)


Joy is a gift from God.

God grants joy to those who believe the gospel.

Joy is produced by God the Holy Spirit.

Joy is experienced most fully as believers receive and obey God’s Word.

The believers’ joy is deepened through trials.

The believers’ joy is made complete when they set their hope on the glory of heaven. (MacArthur)

Paul says:

When I travel, it is on Christ’s errands. When I suffer, it is in Christ’s service. When I speak, the theme is Christ. When I write, Christ fills my letters. (Mears)

Church as a Mission


Paul Timothy

Service Servants

Problems (Acts 16)

Church on Mission


Saints In Christ At Philippi


Bishops Deacons

Church on Message

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1:2)