Walk Worthily – A Growing Church is A Growing Up Church

Ephesians 4:11-16

By Rodney Holloman , May 22, 2022

Life Together

Walk Worthily – A Growing Church is A Growing Up Church

Ephesians 4:11-16

“Owner’s Manual for the Church” – Bryan Chappell

“Spiritual gift.” It is a God-given ability or skill that enables a believer to perform a specific function in the body of Christ with effectiveness and ease.

  1. Leaders are to Equip the Saints
  2. The Saints are to Do the Work of the Ministry



Building Up

How Should a Church Grow?

Attacks spiritual infantilism

Selfish Individualism is a mark of Immaturity.

1. Maturing Christlikeness

Rooted in the Scripture

Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ

Demonstrating Spiritual Maturity

Making Much of Jesus

Schaeffer – “There are no little people in the kingdom of God and there are no little jobs”

2. Doctrinal Stability

3. "Truthing” in Love

Loving People enough to tell the Truth

Loving the Truth enough to tell it

4. Healthy Service