The Storm Begins - The Return of the King

Revelation 8:6-13

By Rodney Holloman , May 26, 2024

The Storm Begins

Ecological Disaster

Revelation 8:6-13


Seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls.

7th Seal - The Trumpet Judgments

  1. Picture 1: A shattering silence (v.1).

  2. Picture 2: The instruments of judgment (vv.2–4). Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets Supplications/Prayers of the Saints

  3. Picture 3: The Storm of the coming judgment (v.5).




1. First Trumpet – Judgment on the Land (Revelation 8:7)


Fire with Blood

1/3 Earth & Trees Burned

All Green Grass Burned

2. Second Trumpet – Judgment on the Seas/Salt Water (Revelation 8:8-9)

Asteroid/Meteorite impacts the sea

1/3 Sea to blood

1/3 sea life dies

1/3 ships destroyed

3. Third Trumpet – Judgment on the Fresh Water (Revelation 8:10-11)

“star” - word is used for any celestial body other than the sun and moon

possibly meteor or comet

1/3 fresh water poisoned “wordwood”

People dying from poisoned water

4. Fourth Trumpet – Judgment on the Celestial Bodies (Revelation 8:12-13)

“smitten” same idea as "plagues"

1/3 of the sun

1/3 of the moon

1/3 of the stars


Romans 1:18-2:6

Revelation 9:4, 20-21

Revelation 16:2, 9, 11 Ungodliness, Unrighteousness

Applications for Today

We need to remember that God won’t stop until His plan is accomplished.

We can choose to heed the warnings of God’s Word, or we can harden our hearts