Do You Want To Get Well?

John 5:1-15

By Brandon Glaspie, July 14, 2024

Do You Want To Get Well?

John 5:1-15

1. The Problem

Blame others

Blame God





Following Jesus will indeed be out of the ordinary, because He will indeed call you to do something that is completely contrary to your nature.

These are not the main problem. These are just symptoms to a much bigger problem: SIN

2. The Physician

For a problem this big, you need someone who is an expert. For a problem that has been going on this long, you need someone who has the credentials.

What qualifications does Jesus have?

If you’re looking for mercy, look to Jesus. If you’re looking for a miracle, look to Jesus. If you’re looking to be made whole, look to Jesus.

Bottom line: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus! Because He is the Physician who is not only able to do it, but qualified to do it!!

3. The Prescription

This man has been made PHYSICALLY whole. But he still needed more.

It isn’t just honoring the Sabbath and keeping it holy.

It isn’t just gracing the church with your presence. It isn’t just Bible reading, tithing, it isn’t this checklist of righteousness.

None of that matters more than the fact that you need grace, mercy, and righteousness.

You need spiritual wholeness

Look To The Physician

Listen To The Physician

What can be worse than being physically sick? There is something worse than being physically sick.

He is talking about eternal consequences (1 Corinthians 6:10).

Can we stop sinning? On our own, absolutely not!

However, Jesus has given us everything we need in life and godliness to choose Him over our sin.

With God’s Grace, we can choose to say no to it because we are dead to sin and alive in Him (Romans 6:6)


Do you want to get well?

Recognize you have a problem.

Realize you have a physician who is qualified, ready, able, and willing to assist you in and with your problem and turn to Him in childlike faith.

Receive the prescription that has not just heavenly incentives but also eternal and earthly implications.

Rescue those who are still waiting for the miracle and who have completely missed the Messiah.