The Kingdoms of this World - The Return of the King

Revelation 11:15-19

By Rodney Holloman , August 18, 2024

The Kingdoms of this World

Return of the King

Revelation 11:15-19

1. Praise of the Victorious King (vss. 15-17)

  1. Almighty – Power
  2. Eternality – Ever Lives – No beginning, No end
  3. Sovereignty – Rules – He is in control

2. Response of the Lost World (vs. 18a)

Nations Enraged – deep seated ongoing hostility

  1. Nations Angry
  2. Time of wrath is come
  3. Time to Judge is come

No longer terrified, now setting up the battle of Armageddon – 16:14,16

3. People are Judged (vs. 18b)

God will pour out His Wrath

Spoken of like already happened – has become

  • It is a dangerous hope that God will not Judge


OT Saints

Raptured Church

Tribulation Saints 20:4

Lost Revelation 20:15

Those who pollute the earth with sin.

4. Promise of Eternal Fellowship (vs.19)

Temple Desecrated vs 1-2

Temple Unveiled vs 19

Temple and the Ark of the Covenant

You have access to grace Now!

God will judge You!

Jesus wins - He has already Won!