Downfall of a Disciple Colossians 4:14; Philemon 1:24; 2 Timothy 4:10 Dangers of Spiritual Drift 1. Successful Start Fellow Worker 2. Subtle Temptation 1 John 2:15-17 Lust of the Eyes Lust of the Flesh Pride of Life Path Away from God Dryness Discouragement Disillusioned Desertion 3. Shocking Betrayal “forsaken” to desert, abandon Moral Doctrinal 2 Timothy 4:10 Internal Apathy before Apostasy Turns External Temptation into Catastrophe 4. Simple Hope Not everyone becomes a deserter Diagnosis of a Demas Heart It is not that it can happen that it will happen Long before there is a desertion publicly, there is a desert privately. Repent Restore Remember