Victorious Gratitude

1 Corinthians 15:51–58

By Rodney Holloman , November 24, 2024

Victorious Gratitude

1 Corinthians 15:51–58

Why is being Thankful so difficult?

  1. Circumstances
  2. Comparisons
  3. Complaining
  4. Consumerism
  5. Callousness of Others

What is the Victory through Jesus Christ?

1. Changes to Me

  1. No more sickness and Death – Corruption
  2. No more shame because of Sin – Dishonor
  3. No more frailty in Temptation – Weakness
  4. No more limits in the next reality – Natural

2. Changes in Me

3. Changes through Me

Stedfast - settled, steady

Unmoveable - not readily shaken in beliefs

Labor - engaging in hard work in spite of difficulties and trouble

Always abounding in the work of the Lord - to do more than expected, to have left over abundance

How Do I Demonstrate that Christ has made me Victorious?

I am thankful to God

I no longer have to fear Death

I joyfully, gratefully, and willingly work for Jesus.