Return of the King Victorious Tribulation Saints Pattern of Triumphant Christian Living Revelation 14:1-5 We have met the Unholy Trinity Dragon - Satan Beast - AntiChrist False Prophet - The Lamb Who Talks Like a Dragon We see their end in Revelation 19:20 & 20:10 Greatest Holocaust in History to Come During Tribulation 1. The Power of the Lamb (1) “A monumental moment in redemptive history” 2. The Praise of the Saints for the Lamb (2-3) Heaven’s praise overflows to earth “A mark of triumphant Christian living in any era is constant praise to God.” - MacArthur 3. The Purity of the Saints (4) They will be sexually pure in an impure world. 4. The Zeal of the Saints (4-5) Allegiance - follow Lamb Identity - purchased by Lamb Integrity - speak truth, godly Current Applications It is time to take a stand You are able to live pure in a dark world. Jesus has made us Victors. Jesus is worthy of our praise, suffering, and our lives. We remain here to make much of Jesus. The False Prophet and the Mark of The Beast The Lamb Who Talks Like a Dragon Revelation 13:11–18 The False Prophet - His Person (vs. 11) He is a false prophet He looks like Jesus and talks like Satan He Craftily questions God’s Word He lies He lies to kill He may arise from within the church So how can we tell the difference? This beast speaks like Satan, and Satan speaks against God’s word, blasphemes Jesus, and tells lies meant to result in the death of Jesus and his people. Christians do not reject or speak against the Bible. Christians do not blaspheme Jesus. Christians do not tell lies to get other people killed. The False Prophet - His Power (vs. 12-14) He does signs that look like the work of God; He uses the signs to deceive people into idolatry He enforces the idolatry with the death penalty There are four Christian purposes: (1) to exalt Jesus, (2) to impress on people their great need to believe in him and be saved by his death and resurrection because they are sinful and God is holy, (3) to encourage people to read the Bible and heed its message, and (4) to encourage people to love others and serve them so they can know the love of God in Christ by the power of the Spirit. (Hamilton) The False Prophet - His Program (vs. 15-18) Lead people to worship the Antichrist and Satan Greer summarizes The False Prophet Will Be a Deceiver (13:11). The False Prophet Will Speak the Words of Satan (13:11). The False Prophet Will Promote False Worship of Antichrist (13:12). The False Prophet Will Use Miracles to Deceive the World (13:13–14). The False Prophet Will Persecute Those Who Follow the Lamb (13:15). The False Prophet Will Mark Those Who Worship Antichrist (13:16–17). The False Prophet Will Lead the World to Worship a Mere Man (13:18).