Return of the King His Terrible, Swift Sword Revelation 14:14-20 TLDR TLRL Romans 1, 2, 3 Joel 3:12–13 The grain harvest symbolizes the seven bowl judgments, the grape harvest the judgment of Armageddon. (MacArthur) 1. Grain Harvest (vs. 14-16) Son of Man Golden Crown Sharp Sickle Ripe Sat on a Cloud Summary of the Bowl Judgments (Revelation 16) loathsome and malignant sores on the worshipers of Antichrist (v. 2), the death of all life in the world’s oceans (v. 3), the turning of the world’s rivers and springs of water into blood (v. 4), the intensifying of the sun’s heat until it scorches people (v. 8), painful darkness over all of Antichrist’s kingdom (v. 10), the drying up of the Euphrates River in preparation for a massive invasion by the kings of the east (v. 12), and the most powerful and destructive earthquake in history (v. 18). (MacArthur) 2. Grape Harvest (vs. 17-20) Angel Winepress of wrath of God Blood up to the horses Bridles 4ft deep, 200 miles It is the Battle of Armageddon Revelation 19 “The angel cuts the grapes, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who crushes out their lives.” It is less a battle, than a slaughter. Who do you know who is not ready for Judgment? Are you ready to meet God? Revelation 12 & 13 Recapitulation events of Tribulation from Satan's Perspective Revelation 14 - back to what God is Doing 3 Visions of Judgments yet to come leading up to Christ's Return First Vision – 144,00 Jewish Evangelists safe with Jesus at His 2nd Coming (1-5) Second Vision – 3 Angelic Proclamations (6-11) God is giving humanity another chance to Repent before the next set of judgments Eternal Gospel Fear God Give Him Glory Hour is Come Worship Him Second Angel – Declaring Judgment on the World’s System (8) Babylon is Fallen Third Angel – Declaring Eternal Damnation for the Lost (9-11) Mark of the Beast Worship the Beast Drink of the wine of the Wrath of God Fire and Brimstone Forever Unbelievers Can Anticipate Defeat, Wrath, and Eternal Torment (14:8–11) (Akin) Believers Will Endure, Obey, Find Rest, and Be Rewarded (14:12–13) (Akin) 2nd Beatitude – “Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord” How They Lived (MacArthur) – Fidelity Love - Keep Commandments of God Loyalty - Faith in Jesus How They Died – Future Rest from Labor Rewards awaits