The Fitting End of False Religion - Return of the King

Revelation 17

By Rodney Holloman , February 09, 2025

Return of the King

The Fitting End of False Religion

Revelation 17

1. The Harlot Religion is Revealed (17:1-6, 15)

All Man-Made Religions Lead back to Babel/Babylon

Genesis 11:1-9; Galatians 1:8-9

3 foundations of man-made religion:

rejection of God’s promises— faithlessness

rebellion against God’s commands—disobedience

refusal of God’s grace—legalism (Swindoll)

All Roads Lead to God

God doesn’t care what I believe if I am sincere



2. The Harlot Religion is Explained (17:7–14, 18)




Seducing and Seduced

3. The Harlot Religion is Destroyed (17:16–17)

Devilish Double Cross

Replaced by worship of Antichrist and Satan

These are the most severe judgments of all The next event will be the return of Jesus (Revelation 19)

Judgments on Natural World (16:1-9)

  1. God Will Send Disease (16:1–2)

God Will Destroy the Seas (16:3)

  1. God Will Pollute the Waters (16:4–7)

God Will Torment Unrepentant Sinners (16:8–9)

Judgments on Political World (16:10-16) 5. God Will Destroy the Kingdom of the Antichrist (16:10–11)

1st 5 Bowls are God’s Last call to Repentance

God Will Gather His Enemies for a Final Battle (16:12–16) Drying up of the Euphrates River preparation for massive invasion by the kings of the East (vs. 12)

6th bowl is the preparation for war

Judgment in Totality (16:17-21) 7. God Will Conclude His Judgment Giving Sinners What They Deserve (16:17–21) Most Powerful, Destructive earthquake in history followed by hail (vs. 18)