Don't Be Deceived by the Devilish - Return of the King

Revelation 17

By Rodney Holloman , February 16, 2025

Don't Be Deceived by the Devilish

Return of the King

Revelation 17

Future False Religion

Satan is trying to become like God by replicating God’s plan, though all his efforts are twisted.

Satan is trying to become like God by replicating God’s plan, though all his efforts are twisted.

Satan’s Counterfeit Operation

• There is a false trinity.

• There is a false father who possesses authority.

• There is a false son who apparently dies and rises again.

• There is a false spirit who seeks to glorify the false son.

• There is a false church or a false religion.

• There is a false city (“Babylon”) to counter God’s city of Jerusalem.

In simplest terms, we can say the prostitute woman in Revelation 17 represents the political-religious system centered in the capital city of Babylon. It is the Babel system.

Current False Religion

Exodus 20, Romans 1, Galatians 1:8-9

1. Ungodliness

2. Unrighteousness

3. Idolatry

4. Dilution

5. Distortion

Acts 8:23-25

Bondage and Bitterness

This is the ultimate anti-God empire, made up of evil human forces and evil supernatural principalities and powers. She is attached to the Antichrist (v. 3), very rich (v. 4), and a global source of abomination (v. 5). According to verse 6, she is drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

In other words, she will be a huge part of the effort to track down, interrogate, torture, and slay those coming to Christ during the tribulation.

The loathsome woman (the false system of the Antichrist centered in Babylon) is riding a scarlet beast covered with blasphemous names (the Antichrist). We’re told this beast has seven heads and ten horns (v. 3). This was how the Antichrist was described when we met him in Revelation 13:1.

Now, in Revelation 17:10, we’re told these seven heads represent seven kings: Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while.

When the conqueror bent on conquest becomes infilled with Satan in the middle of the tribulation and suffers some kind of death and resurrection, he will become the Antichrist. In so doing, he will represent the eighth and final empire. Verse 11 says, The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

The beast not only had seven heads but ten horns, which are explained in Revelation 17:12–14: The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb.

These are the kings of the ten nations that compose the Antichrist’s confederacy. They were predicted by Daniel in his image of the ten toes and ten horns (Daniel 2:41 and 7:7). This is the revived Roman Empire predicted in Daniel 2:42–45—the empire that has Babylon’s hatred of God and Rome’s lust for brutality.

In Revelation 17:16–18, the Antichrist and his ten-member confederation turn on the “prostitute” and destroy it. Verse 16 says, The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

Phrase/Image Scripture Explanation
The great harlot 17:1–8 Works- based, humanistic religion, called “the mother of harlots” because it is the foundation of all false religions, drawing its inspiration from pride, self- sufficiency, and a denial of God’s grace.
Many waters 17:1, 15 All people and people groups around the world under the influence of the worldwide religion.
The Beast 17:3, 8, 11–14 17:8, 11
The Antichrist will imitate Christ’s death and resurrection in order to amaze the world and win its political and religious devotion (13:3–4). This description contrasts with the divine Christ, “who is and who was and who is to come” from heaven to rule forever (1:8).
Seven heads 17:3, 7, 9–10 Seven world empires that stood in opposition to God and His people: five that existed in John’s past (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo- Persia, and Greece), one that existed in John’s present (Rome), and one that will arise in the future (“Babylon,” empire of the Antichrist).
“Seven mountains” 17:9 Though ancient Rome was built on seven hills, the idea of a city built on seven hills became a way to equate the grandeur of a city with the grandeur of Rome. So, Constantinople was regarded as a city on seven hills, as were other cities in the ancient world. It is uncertain whether this means the capital city of the Antichrist will have seven literal hills.
The eighth king 17:11 The Antichrist, who is one of the preceding kings, is also an “eighth.” This may refer to the two phases of his rule—before his marvelous “death” and “resurrection” (the “seventh” king) and after this astounding feat, when Satan turns his local political career into a global empire (as the “eighth” king).
Ten horns 17:3, 7, 12 Ten nations who will unite to empower the Antichrist, turning all worldly authority over to him.
“Called and chosen and faithful” 17:14 When Christ returns as King of kings and Lord of lords to overcome the Beast and the kings of the earth, He will be accompanied by “the called and chosen and faithful.” This same group is called the “armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean” (19:14). The New Testament commonly uses the terms “called,” “chosen,” and “faithful” to describe saints, so these are likely the resurrected and raptured believers returning with Christ to the earth at the battle of Armageddon.

Robert J. Morgan, The 50 Final Events in World History: The Bible’s Last Words on Earth’s Final Days (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2022), 132–137.

Charles R. Swindoll, Revelation, vol. 15, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2014), 247.

Return of the King

The Fitting End of False Religion

Revelation 17

1. The Harlot Religion is Revealed (17:1-6, 15)

All Man-Made Religions Lead back to Babel/Babylon

Genesis 11:1-9; Galatians 1:8-9

3 foundations of man-made religion:

rejection of God’s promises— faithlessness

rebellion against God’s commands—disobedience

refusal of God’s grace—legalism (Swindoll)

All Roads Lead to God

God doesn’t care what I believe if I am sincere



2. The Harlot Religion is Explained (17:7–14, 18)




Seducing and Seduced

3. The Harlot Religion is Destroyed (17:16–17)

Devilish Double Cross

Replaced by worship of Antichrist and Satan